31 August 2018 18:14
Provisional 21-Date Formula 1 World Championship for 2019
Formula 1 have released the provisional 2019 Formula 1 World Championship schedule. Once again, Formula 1 announce a 21-stop world tour across Australia, Asia, Europe and the Americas. Whilst the calendar remains in the same order as 2018 - bar the switching of the Mexican and US Grand Prix - many race weekends have been moved back or forward one week to lessen the impact on the drivers and teams, following this season's challenging summer schedule.
The calendar reads as follows:
These dates are provisional and therefore may be subject to change. Usually these dates do not change but this cannot be guaranteed until the final calendar is released towards the end of the year. If the date of the race does change, it will not affect the validity of any tickets you purchase for the event. If possible, we recommend booking any accommodation and flights/travel on a flexible basis or waiting until the calendar is confirmed.
Final confirmation of the 2019 Formula 1 Calendar will be confirmed by the FIA during the World Motorsports Council meeting on October 12th 2019.